Tuesday, September 15, 2009

two months!

Greta at two months:
Ain't she cute? Greta is super alert and interactive now! She's a smiley, happy baby who really only fusses when she's hungry or occasionally when her tummy hurts. Soren continues to be the best big brother a girl could ask for!
Two month stats:
23.5 inches long (90th percentile)
11lbs 11oz (75th percentile)
16.5 inch head (97th percentile)
And just to compare, at two months Soren was
24.75 inches (95th percentile for boys)
15lbs even (95th percentile)
17 inch head (off the charts)
and looked a little something like this:


Beth said...

ok the pic of greta is adorable....but seriously that pic of soren is one of my favs haha

Meghan said...

Good Lord, Greta is cute! I mean, seriously... super super super duper cute!

Mary said...

Apparently it's the Townsend thing to do to lift your left leg in your 2 month photo....

I love the contrast between Soren and Greta (or Great as I seem to keep typing accidently)--she's such a delicate little flower!