Sunday, November 15, 2009

Greta at 4 months

What a sweet, sweet girl we have! At four months Greta is getting stronger and stronger, can grab things and put them in her mouth, and has rolled from her tummy to her back a few times! But the most miraculous thing ever is that she's sleeping through the night! It's just about the most wonderful thing ever! Not only that, but she's a darn good napper too, falling asleep on her own in her crib for most naps! Now if only a certain two and a half year old in our house could follow her lead and sleep all night we'd really be rocking!

At four months Greta's stats are:
Height: 26 inches (95th %)
Weight: 15lbs 11oz (95%)
Head: 17.5in (off the charts) For comparison, Soren at four months was:
Height: 27in (off the charts)
Weight: 18lbs 8oz (off the charts)
Head: 18in (off the charts)

And looked like this:

Just look at these two cuties!!


Meghan said...

I am floored that she's already 4 months old! What a good little girl, too! And, yes, they're the CUTEST... especially together!

Mary said...

I love Soren's little hand around Greta's shoulder! He's fully aware of how cute he is :-)