Tuesday, April 20, 2010

5k, take two

This time with friends!

Greta at 9 months

Sweet baby girl is nine months old! She is just a little ball of happy 95% of the time, but if you cross her whooo-boy look out! She is right on the cusp of figuring out crawling, but manages to get around pretty well by rolling and scooting. She loves to clap and wave, especially when it manages to get a smile or an audience. She is a champion sleeper, and will eat just about anything you put in front of her.

I had a hard time getting a good picture of her, she was not very willing to sit still AND smile.

At her 9 month check-up Greta's stats were:
height: 29 inches (90th %)
weight: 20lb 11oz (85th %)
head: 18.75 inches (off the charts)
At 9 months Soren was:
height: 30.75 inches
weight: 22lb 10oz
head: 19.5 inches

Here are a couple of more representative pics of our girl!

Human Race

For my birthday this year I decided to run my first 5k, and since misery loves company I invited my sisters to join me. I know 3.1 miles isn't much for some people, but for me it was a big deal. I worked my tail off and I'm proud to be able to check it off my life to-do list!

Soren and Uncle Tom getting ready to cheer (or cry inconsolably)
starting off strong

Mary coming down the home stretch
Workin' it

Beth, glamorous as always

Greta at 8 months

March, the Sparks Notes version

February, the Cliffs Notes version

A trip to Duluth:
mmmmm prunes!
important places to go

suiting up. Notice the jammies, and the onesie hanging out

donut holes? nevermind, I'll stay in

"No mama, my do it"

"la, la, la, LAAAAA!"

self portrait