Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Human Race

For my birthday this year I decided to run my first 5k, and since misery loves company I invited my sisters to join me. I know 3.1 miles isn't much for some people, but for me it was a big deal. I worked my tail off and I'm proud to be able to check it off my life to-do list!

Soren and Uncle Tom getting ready to cheer (or cry inconsolably)
starting off strong

Mary coming down the home stretch
Workin' it

Beth, glamorous as always


Meghan said...

You go, Mama!! I've never run more than a block in my entire life, so I definitely admire you! Plus, you look fan-freakin'-tastic! I am so far from losing this baby weight... but you may have just sparked my motivation!

Alex said...

I meant to tell you how amazing you looked the other night. Good for you. It's a huge accomplishment.