Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Eleven months old! It's hard to believe Soren is coming up on one year! At 11 months Soren is now saying "dada" and "cat", waves bye-bye, gives high fives, and signs "all done"! His favorite foods are curry, black beans (especially if they're spicy), yogurt, any fruit, and pretzels. He's still not crawling, but getting closer and closer! Soren loves to hang out at the park, swinging and watching kids running around. He does not love grass or sand! He's not quite sure what to do when a twig or leaf he wants requires touching the grass to get it, he usually just leaves it.
We've been taking full advantage of living two blocks from beautiful Lake Harriet, and go walking on an almost daily basis. Soren likes to put his feet up on his stroller bar and soak in all the attention from passing admirers. With a grin like this is it any wonder he's the center of attention?

1 comment:

Meghan said...

'Riz loves curry, too! We went for Indian the other night and he chowed down on vegetable curry and garlic naan like it was going out of style. Soren is such a big cutie!!! I love his big ol' grin!