Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Today was Soren's last music class for this session. We had so much fun we can't wait to start again in the fall! Here Soren is attempting to strum the guitar while his friend Chase makes sure it's in tune. "Get this girl off of meeeee!!!!"
Soren's favorite was probably the parachute. Playing with the bouncy balls.
Percussion time! Soren liked to taste test all the instruments, the elephant shaker passed inspection!
On his final "report card" Soren's teacher noted that he's quite the percussionist! I'm pretty sure that's just because they didn't have any violins for him to play!

Always a hit with the ladies! Johanna smothered Soren with lots of hugs!


Mary said...

What if Soren decides he wants to play cello? Hmmm? Or, what if he decides he wants to...(you might think God forbid)....SING?? Maybe your son will follow in the noble la-la steps set out by his dear aunt. What will you do then?

Beth said...

Im so glad I got to come to class with you guys...It was so much fun seeing the man in action at music class!

Jen Graham said...

those are such cute photos! Alton and I are taking a music class this summer I think.