Here's the best I could do on my own- a picture from my phone. Baby belly #2 at 25 weeks. (Writing 25 weeks kind of freaks me out).
For comparison's sake here's me at around 25 weeks with Soren. About the same?
I'm starting to become concerned at how insanely active this kid is. My midwife announces at every appointment without fail that I'm going to have my hands full with this one, either because she's hiding when we're trying to find the heartbeat, or assaulting the doppler with kicks. I've dismissed all this as part of the nonsense people inveriably feel the need to say to scare moms-to-be, except lately baby girl seems determined to break her way out through my stomach, and is working on this an alarming portion of the day. And night. With a toddler that I can barely keep up with during the day, and who is still not sleeping through the night on a regular basis, I'm hoping more than anything that this baby girl proves us wrong!