Monday, April 13, 2009


Soren really loves his friends Millie and Coco. He has so much fun with those two girls, and it's so neat to see them really interacting and playing together, not just next to each other! They chase, they tickle, they copy each other, they share (okay, only sometimes, but more than with his other friends!), they laugh hysterically. And as an added bonus I really like their moms! Win-win all around!!

Millie isn't tooootally into the cuddling quite yet

But Coco is!

Okay, Millie changed her mind!

Millie and Coco playing peek-a-boo

best buddies

And if that's not enough cuteness for you, get this- aparently Millie has an imaginary friend who rides in the car with her and travels to Arizona with her- Soren!!

1 comment:

Alex said...

Awwwww. I laughed, I cried. Thanks Kayt, awsome pictures as always.

Yes, Millie loves loves loves her friends Soren and Coco. I agree, it is such a nice bonus when the Mommies rock too :)

Aka Millie's Mom