Monday, January 11, 2010


We had a combined Thanksgiving and Christmas celebration with our friends, which involved a top ten most delicious meal ever, sledding, white elephant gifts, ugly holiday sweaters, and general merry-making. We called it Chrismagiving, and it was a blast. Seriously, we have some really amazing friends.

We were in charge of the turkey, our first ever roast turkey! It was pretty delish if I do say so myself. Here's Isaac carving the lovely bird. It looks burnt, but it was really just a bit crispy, and a whole lot delicious!
Paul entertaining Greta, she looks amused, no?

Those who were brave enough to don the ugly sweaters (this picture was supposed to be awkward if you can't tell)

Kirsten and Pipsi, ready to eat

chow time!

Yummmmm!!! (actually I don't think he ate a single bite)

Luke. What more can I say?

Gearing up for sledding

1 comment:

Meghan said...

Luke is awesome... and I don't even know him. But that fireplace picture cracks me up!